One of the most difficult things in ministry is creating a team that has the right culture, chemistry and competency fit. Team Members like this help fulfill the vision and mission of your church and help it grow.

The most important aspects when hiring church staff

  1. Prayer: For God to put the right people in your path in order to help your ministry grow and be more fruitful.
  2. Discernment: Being able to discern who is called by God to be part of your team.
  3. Clarity of core values: If you don’t know what type of profile you’re looking for, chances are you won’t recognize it during the interview process.

Why it´s important to hire ministry staff

Not everyone has the same skill set and spiritual giftings. This is why we need men and women of God that contribute their unique value in the building up of your ministry as well as the body of Christ.

Being able to identify certain key attributes is important when starting to search for a new team member.

How to know when it´s time to hire a new ministry team member

  • The church has grown: When the number of people in your congregation increases significatively and that growth is sustained over a specific period of time, it’s time to start thinking about hiring new staff that can help fill in the gaps and help the church continue to grow.
  • Current team members are filling several roles: If a single person is doing the tasks that should be carried out by two or more people, you might want to consider adding another team member. Jacks of all trades can easily burn out and become discontent with the ministry.
  • You require temporary staff: If a season of an increased workload is approaching, more people are going to be needed in order to carry out all tasks smoothly.
  • You don’t have enough time: When your current staff no longer has the time necessary to finish their tasks, end up working over-time more often than not or spend more time at the church than with their families, it’s time to bring new staff on board.
  • A new big project begins: Developing a new project from the ground up isn’t always an easy task. It requires trained personnel that’s responsible for taking charge of the situation. Occasionally, churches may count on qualified team members, but when a new project distracts them from completing their everyday responsibilities, it raises a red flag and additional staff is needed.
  • A new church ministry opens: A growing church is always developing new ministries and areas of service for either church members or the community. In times like this, it’s highly recommended to bring new qualified staff aboard that can hit the ground running and make the best use of other team member’s time.

If after reading this you find that your church falls into one or more of the above mentioned categories, it might be time to start a job search for qualified church personnel. Don’t worry, though!

Here at ONE39 we have everything you need in order to help you find the right person for the job. Fill out our hire talent form and start your search today!

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