Worship Director

Active Church

San Luis, Obispo


The Worship Experience Director is responsible for providing vision, leadership, development, and direction for his/her ministry team as they pertain to the leadership and direction of Active Church. This person will also oversee all of the worship experience.

This position has been filled


Active Church was founded on a call from God to reach people with the message of hope found in Jesus. In 2014. Lead Pastor Adam Magaña and his wife Stacy, felt an overwhelming sense that God wanted them to begin preparing for a new season in the Central Coast of CA. Over the next several years, Adam and Stacy began taking the necessary steps and God began opening doors for them to plant a life-giving church in one of the greatest cities in America – San Luis Obispo, CA. In 2016, Active Church began its launch process in partnership with the Association of Related Churches (ARC) which has helped over 1,000 church planters reach their city for Jesus over the past 20 years. The ARC provided funding, coaching, and spiritual direction for Pastor Adam and Stacy during the launch phase of Active Church. Five years later God has now established this local church in the heart of SLO County and we know that the best is yet to come! Pastor Adam and Stacy are originally from Bakersfield, CA. They now live in the Central Coast with their three children, Hadley, Brixton, and Easton, and their Chocolate Labradoodle Olive.


Active Church wants to help people know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.
Active Church exists to help people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.


  • We Love God – We Make God Our First Priority
  • We Love People – We Treat People Right
  • We Pursue Excellence – We Are Getting Better
  • We Have Fun – We Choose A Good Attitude
  • We Take Action – We Are Contributors Not Consumers
  • We Do More By Doing Less – We Find Our “10” And Focus On Our Strengths
  • We Lead The Way In Generosity – We Go Above And Beyond To Give Sacrificially To The Works Of God In Our City
  • We Honor – We Honor Up, Down, And Around
  • We Do Whatever It Takes – We’ll Do Anything Short Of Sin To Reach People For Jesus
  • We Are Fueled By Faith – We Believe Big And Start Small


The Worship Experience Director is responsible for providing vision, leadership, development, and direction for his/her ministry team as they pertain to the leadership and direction of Active Church. This person will also oversee all of the worship experience.


  • Servant leader
  • Models honor up, down, and around
  • Empowers others


  • Provide vision, leadership, development, and direction for the ministry team
  • Oversee all processes related to the worship experience
  • Oversee the production coordinator
  • Embrace and implement the core values of Active Church amongst the Worship Team
  • Cast and communicate vision and inspire participation in ministry areas
  • Develop a strategy to identify, recruit, train, lead, shepherd, empower, and invest in worship ministry team leaders and members
  • Maintain high-quality worship both in the form of live and post-production including post-mixing
  • Maintain and oversee the use, care, and operation of all campus materials and locations as related to the worship experience department
  • Utilize Planning Center Online for scheduling


On California’s famous Highway 1, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, lies a town nestled between rolling hills and the coast – San Luis Obispo. Basking in a perfect Mediterranean climate year-round, San Luis Obispo, commonly known as SLO, has a charming downtown full of unique boutiques and restaurants in addition to the beautifully preserved Spanish Mission at the heart of the city. SLO is full of fun outdoor activities like mountain biking, surfing, kayaking, whale watching, hiking, and many more. With its laid-back, relaxed lifestyle, no one is in a hurry, and certainly, no one is in any rush to leave.