Pastors Zenzo and Michelle Matoga both knew that God was
calling them into ministry at a young age. That call from God
led them into launching United Night of Worship (UNOW) in
2008 to worship Jesus and to make His name famous. They
saw an amazing response and it exploded into a regional
night of worship with over 10,000 people in attendance. Many
lives were healed and delivered. This created a passion for the
community in Pastors Zenzo and Michelle.
As they led UNOW, they became more and more aware that
God was calling them into something new. In 2015, they
decided to launch Impact Church. They launched on
September 20th, 2015. Impact Church was created to impact
people with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ so that
people can impact their spheres of influence. Impact Church’s
mission is to help others be excited about seeing people find
Jesus and getting equipped to impact more people in their
own lives.
- Vision: Impacting you to impact
- Mission: Encountering God. Empowering People. Impacting Lives.
+ Hunger: Hunger for God
+ Honor: We celebrate people
+ Health: We fight for health
+ Serve: We give not take
+ Excellence: Excellence is our DNA
+ Discipleship: Impact the one
+ Fun: Fun is serious business!
The Executive Pastor of Worship and Arts will be in charge of
overseeing, pastoring, and discipling teams. They will run systems and
oversee worship, arts, media, video, marketing, recording, branding,
production, media, websites, and Livestream.
- Diverse
- Hard-working
- Flexible
- Organized
- Talented
- Pastoral
- Learner
- Submissive
- Fun
- Joyful
- Easy-going
- Attentive and submitted to vision
- Integrous, honest, and spiritually mature
- Flexible and easy to work with
- High achiever and self-motivated
- Well-versed in systems
- Creative
Receive vision from the senior pastor and will
execute or provide oversight for:
- Worship and music director
- Production director
- Marketing and branding director
- Social media and website director
- Music and video recording director
- Online church director
- New campus worship leaders
- Services and special events programming
- Production setup and breakdown
- School of worship
- Discipleship for creatives
- Songwriting and sound of the house development
In Medford, MA you are steps away from rich culture and history. A
day doesn’t go by where you meet new people from all walks of life.
The New England area is the most picturesque region you can
encounter especially during the fall. Beautiful parks, landscapes,
beaches, and much more surround our area.
There is a vibrancy of life year-round as there is always some form of
activity you can find yourself participating in. The Greater Boston area
is a hub for many activities from museums, festivals, sporting events,
and many more.