Creative Arts Pastor

Phoenix Bible Church

6060 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85013


The Creative Arts Pastor will help people love Jesus, live like Jesus, and lead others to Jesus in the areas of musical worship and creative arts. The position will have direct responsibility for planning worship services, recruiting band members, incorporating branding and design elements in our communications, and overseeing our Production Director.

This position has been filled


Following the dissolution of the Phoenix campus of the Seattle-based Mars Hill Church, a group of determined people, led by Pastor Tim Birdwell, considered the possibility of planting a new church “from the ashes.” Phoenix Bible Church was established in October 2014 and began evening gatherings in downtown Phoenix at Grace Lutheran Church. In 2015, Phoenix Bible Church gathered at ASU Preparatory Academy in downtown Phoenix on Sunday mornings. A deep connection formed with people in the downtown community, specifically in the Historic Garfield Neighborhood. In 2017, they were given one month to find a new gathering location, and God provided an opportunity for them to begin gathering on the campus of Phoenix Christian Preparatory School in the Historic First Methodist Church chapel. A partnership began with Phoenix Christian as Phoenix Bible Church focused ministerial efforts on the people of Central Phoenix. Phoenix Bible Church celebrated five years in 2019 and added a second full-time staff member. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, live-stream and production infrastructure were updated to care for a socially distanced church. The partnership with Phoenix Christian progressed with mutual facility investments and campus enhancements. In 2021, Community Groups experienced transformative relationships while gathering weekly in homes across the Valley. Record generosity was experienced as Phoenix Bible Church gave away an entire Easter offering of $40,509 to the Gem Foundation in Kampala, Uganda.

Following the addition of a second Sunday service, attendance grew to a high of 450 people in the fall of 2022. The church’s second homegrown missionary was commissioned to South America, and the staff team expanded from two to seven. In February of 2022, initial meetings began with Phoenix Bible Church’s leadership team and Bethany Bible Church’s leadership team regarding the potential of the two congregations unifying as one church. Pastor Tim Birdwell shared at a Vision Night in March about the early conversations regarding a possible union as one church. Bethany’s leadership team shared with the congregation that an exclusive phase of exploration has begun to examine the potential of a union with Phoenix Bible Church. As the union discussions progressed, both congregations held prayer evenings with the respective leadership teams. Pastor A.C. Caswell preached at Bethany’s Sunday service in June, and in July, Pastor Tim, Music Director Kyle McLain, and PBC Worship led an entire Bethany Sunday service. The leadership teams began meeting every Monday night to work through key factors of the potential unified church and regularly shared affirmed details with both congregations. Both congregations came together to serve alongside each other in August. The college and young adults ministries of both congregations planned a joint mission trip together. In October 2022, the leadership teams of both churches unanimously voted to approve the union of both churches as one Phoenix Bible Church. A celebratory night of music and prayer was held in November, and a joint Christmas Eve service happened on the 7th Avenue campus.

Currently, Phoenix Bible Church gathers every Sunday right in the heart of Phoenix at 6060 N 7th Avenue with over 800 in weekly attendance and 85 baptisms in the past 16 months. From weekly classes and community groups to opportunities to serve our city, our heart is to see the love of Jesus move in us and through us like never before.


Phoenix Bible Church exists to help people love Jesus, live like Jesus, and lead others to Jesus. In short: “Love Moves.”


  • A church where “Love Moves” throughout the central corridor of Phoenix and beyond
  • A church that passionately and sacrificially multiplies disciples and has a kingdom impact
  • A church that practices for eternity as they embody a multi-generational, multi-ethnic family wrapped around the glory of Christ
  • A church that serves as a robust hub for transformative Bible teaching and discipleship, proactively engaging culture, while upholding truth and loving well
  • A church that serves as a safe haven for the broken and suffering to receive healing, hope, and restoration
  • A church that equips and sends disciples into homes, neighborhoods, cities, and nations for the glory of God and the good of people
  • A church that has an intentional leadership pipeline, raising up ministry leaders, church planters, and missionaries
  • A church that functions as a Kingdom Outpost, maximizing our facility throughout the week with initiatives such as: “The Love Moves Center” which provides housing supplies, space for mentoring, and other tangible efforts that impacts the city’s greatest needs (foster care, individuals with special needs, single parents, poverty, etc)
  • A church that partners with other churches and non-profits that are also uniquely placed in the heart of Phoenix to care for the poor, orphans, and widows, and see those populations transformed in our lifetime


  • The Power of Gathered Praise and Proclamation (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  • The Beauty of Diverse Gospel Community (Acts 2:42-47, Rev 7:14)
  • The Urgency of Gospel Mission (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)


The Creative Arts Pastor will help people love Jesus, live like Jesus, and lead others to Jesus in the areas of musical worship and creative arts. The position will have direct responsibility for planning worship services, recruiting band members, incorporating branding and design elements in our communications, and overseeing our Production Director.


  • Skills in organization and processes to accomplish creative projects
  • Desires to work collaboratively with the rest of the staff and sees their role as a part of the whole
  • Desires to be integrated as a full member of the church community
  • Strong vocal and musical ability to set the tone in a large room
  • Bilingual (English and Spanish)
  • Strong stage presence


  • Work alongside the Lead Pastor to lead people into God’s presence through corporate worship
  • Recruit and develop musicians, vocalists, and other worship leaders (both technically and spiritually)
  • Lead worship at all weekend gatherings and special events
  • Plan all elements of the weekend services and series (overall liturgy, song selection, video selection, scripture readings, communion, etc)
  • Create music charts and tracks as needed
  • Lead all band and vocal rehearsals
  • Oversee worship development for PBC Espanol, PBC College and Young Adults, PBC Youth, PBCKids, and other ministries as needed
  • Lead volunteers in understanding their talents and service as part of their discipleship to Jesus
  • Maintain a consistent brand across all forms of communication that properly presents the mission, vision, and values of Phoenix Bible Church
  • Supervise the Production Director and ensure the quality and equipping of the Production Team
  • Organize, coordinate, and communicate effectively with Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor with close attention to detail


  • Creative
  • Leader
  • Culture-builder
  • Team-builder


Known for its sunny climate and spectacular desert landscapes, Phoenix and the surrounding cities of Scottsdale, Glendale and other destinations in Arizona’s Valley of the Sun feature vibrant culture and numerous opportunities for outdoor adventures and luxury. With the fabled Grand Canyon just four hours away, Phoenix is often thought of as the jumping-off point for vacation adventures, but the state’s capital city also features attractions that, while perhaps not as awe-inspiring, are equally breathtaking. Whether your interest is in the Southwestern Park Preserve for hiking and biking, the Desert Botanical Garden, or year-round golf resorts, there is truly something fun for everyone!

Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. The rapidly changing city boasts an eclectic mix of urban living and desert beauty. Phoenix offers all the amenities of a major city with a two-hour drive to the mountains and a six-hour drive to the beach. The population of Phoenix is largely unchurched which means living in Phoenix is a great place to do ministry!